Climate Solutions

Clean Wisconsin has been a constant voice in addressing climate change in Wisconsin.

climate action to

Protect our health, economy, and communities

Climate change poses an immediate threat to our global and local ecosystems. Our team of policy, legal and science experts are working to encourage clean energy in Wisconsin while also helping communities deal with the impacts of climate change.

The pathway for Wisconsin: New detailed energy and economic modeling shows Wisconsin can reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

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Current Campaigns

Supporting Climate-Smart Agriculture

For decades, farmers have produced abundant and inexpensive food but at great environmental cost. Wisconsin’s farmers can make a significant difference when it comes to climate change while creating more resilient, productive farms that will leave a healthier environment for future generations.

Harvesting Kernza in Walworth County, Wis.
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Current Campaigns

Fighting the Nemadji Trail Energy Center

Dairyland Power Cooperative, Minnesota Power, and Basin Electric Power are proposing to build a 625 megawatt gas power plant in Superior, Wis. called the Nemadji Trail Energy Center, which would add 3-million tons of carbon pollution into the environment each year,

Gas turbine electrical power plant. Energy for support factory in industrial estate. Natural gas tank. Small gas power plant. Power plant using natural gas for fuel. Green energy. Generate electricity
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Current Campaigns

Protecting Our Health from PFAS Pollution

PFAS “forever” chemicals are showing up in lakes, rivers, streams and drinking water across Wisconsin, posing a threat to public health.

Training of firemen. The fireman extinguishes the fire with foam
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Current Campaigns

Stopping the Line 5 Pipeline

Calgary-based Enbridge, Inc. is seeking permits from the Department of Natural Resources that would allow the company to reroute Line 5 across dozens of northern Wisconsin waterways and more than 100 acres of wetlands. The proposed route is upstream of Copper Falls State Park and poses a huge risk to the Bad River watershed.

A section of an oil pipe line being assembled in the ground by two large backhoes
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Current Campaigns

Stopping We Energies from Doubling Down on Gas

We Energies’ parent company, WEC Energy Group, is rushing to push expensive fossil fuel infrastructure through the Public Service Commission approval process before the tide turns toward clean energy sources like wind and solar.

Gas-fired power plant
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Current Campaigns

Protecting Drinking Water from Nitrates & Bacteria

While private wells that draw groundwater are a reliable and safe source of water for many people, groundwater pollution from nitrate contamination poses a major challenge for many others.

A child drinking water from a kitchen tap
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